Παρίσι, Τέξας / Paris, Texas
Direction: Wim Wenders
Country of Production/Country: Germany, France/Germany, France
Duration: 145 min
Year of Production/Year: 1984
Language/Language: English / English
Subtitles/Subtitles: Greek / English
After four years of unexplained absence, Travis suddenly appears in the desert. Soon, however, he will resume his wandering in search of his old life and himself. Wim Wenders' masterful road movie was awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and the BAFTA Award for Best Director and has been loved by thousands of cinephiles as few films.
After four years of unexplained absence, Travis suddenly appears in the desert. Soon, he will resume wandering in search of his old life and his own self. Wim Wenders' masterful road movie was awarded the Cannes Film Festival's Golden Phoenix and the BAFTA Best Director Award and has been loved by the public.