Workshop Title: Film Clubs for Children: The enjoyment of viewing.
Laboratory Description:
The activities of the workshop unfold in the enchanting world of cinema images. The team of trainees is transformed simulatingly into a children's film club where films are projected that are stimuli for cinematic games (approach to the film, creative games, interdisciplinary activities). The main objective of the activities is the enjoyment of viewing. Participants will acquire skills in the design and implementation of activities in a playful form (individual or group) before and after watching films with the children inside and outside the classroom. Within the framework of the workshop, the relevant annual program of the Chania Film Festival will be presented.
Animator: Stavros Grosdos
Duration: 3 hours
Time: 18:00 – 21:00
Date: 31 October 2019
Location: Cultural Center of Chania
Addressed to: A group of 30 people (teachers, students, laboratory animators)
Animator's Biography
Stavros Grosdos is a research associate of the Chania International Film Festival.
Dr. Audiovisual literacy and creative writing in education.