A Tree Remembers / A Tree Remembers
Direction: Kostas Follas / Kostas Follas
Script/Script: Kostas Follas / Kostas Follas
Director of Photography/Photography: Vangelis Koulinos / Vaggelis Koulinos
Editing/Edit: Olga Kourmousi / Olga Kourmouzi
Music: Maria Boua / Maria Boua
Producer/Production: Kostas Follas / Kostas Follas
Country of Production/Country: Greece / Greece
Duration: 87'
Production Year/Year: 2018
Language/Language: Czech, English, Greek/ Czech, English, English
Subtitles: Greek, English/ Greek, English
The story of Lindice, which the Nazis flattened and wiped out—literally—in retaliation for reinhard Heydrich's murder. However, the small Czech village, which is twinned with Distomo, was not only not erased from the map, as Adolf Hitler wanted, but is now a symbol in the fight against fascism.
The story of Lidice, who the Nazis leveled and disappeared - literally - in retaliation for the assassination of Reinhard Heinrich. However, the small Czech village, which is twinned with Distomo, not only was not erased from the map as Adolf Hitler wished but is now a symbol of the struggle against fascism.
20th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - Special Youth Committee Award
5th International Documentary Festival of Peloponnese - Audience Award for Best Greek Documentary
7th Aegeandocs Documentary Festival, Mytilene - Best Greek Film Award

Director's/Biography Biography:
Kostas Follas was born on January 9, 1975 in Athens. He is a journalist and has worked in sports and political newspapers. The historical documentary A Tree Remembers is his first film.
Kostas Follas was born on January 9, 1975 in Athens. He is a journalist and he has worked in sports and political newspapers. The historical documentary A Tree Remembers is his first film.