Acasă / My Home
Direction: Radu Ciorniciuc
Script/Script: Radu Ciorniciuc, Lina Vdovii
Director of Photography/Photography: Radu Ciorniciuc, Mircea Topoleanu
Editing/Edit: Andrei Gorgan
Music/Music: Yari, Codrin George Lazăr, Gaute
Producer/Production: Radu Ciorniciuc, Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
Country of Production/Country: Romania / Romania
Duration: 86'
Production Year/Year: 2020
Language/Language: Romanian/ Romanian
Subtitles/Subtitles: Greek / English

Director's/Biography Biography:
Radu Ciorniciuc in 2012 founded the first independent media organization in Romania - Casa Jurnalistului, a community of journalists specializing in in-depth, long-term and multimedia reports. Since then, he has been working as a writer and undercover investigative journalist. His research focuses on human rights, animal welfare and environmental issues around the world. His research work was published in most of the major international media organizations in the world - Channel 4 News, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, etc. - and received national and international awards. His journalistic work was recognized by international and nationally recognized institutions.
Radu Ciorniciuc in 2012 co-founded the first independent media organisation in Romania - Casa Jurnalistului a community of reporters specialized in in-depth, long-form and multimedia reporting. Since then, he has been working as a long-form writer and undercover investigative reporter. His researches are focused on human rights, animal welfare and environmental issues across the globe. His investigative and reporting work was published on most of the major international media organizations in the world - Channel 4 News, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, etc. - and received national and international awards. His journalistic work was acknowledged by Royal Television Society UK (2014), Amnesty International UK (2014), Harold Wincott Awards for Business, Economic and Financial Journalism (2016), and by other international and national prestigious institutions.