I Went Saw I Heard/Go Look Listen
Direction: Mary Bouli / Mary Bouli
Script: Mary Bouli / Mary Bouli
Director of Photography: Nikos Chantzis, Michalis Malandrakis / Nikos Chantzis, Michalis Malandrakis
Editing/Edit: Giorgos Tsapis / Giorgos Tsapis
Music/Music: Madara
Producer/Production: Mary Bouli / Mary Bouli
Country of Production/Country: Greece / Greece
Duration: 24'
Production Year/Year: 2019
Language/Language: Greek / English
Subtitles/Subtitles: English / English
Can a blind person see the Acropolis? Can a deaf person hear the sound of the sea? Are museums in Greece accessible to all? The I Went I Saw I heard it's a documentary on the topic of accessibility in Greece and how people with disabilities experience reality. They share their thoughts and express their demands, not only from museums, but also from society in general.
Can a blind person see the Acropolis? Can a deaf person hear the sound of the sea? Are museums in Greece accessible to each and every one? Go Look Listen is a documentary about the issue of accessibility in Greece and how persons with disabilities experience reality. They share their thoughts and express their demands not only from museums but society in general.

Director's/Biography Biography:
Mary Boulis was born and raised in Athens. In 2019 she graduated from the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University and attended a documentary workshop by Christos Karakepelis and Natasha Segou at KET. So far he has directed the short documentary I went, I saw, I heard (2019).
Mary Bouli was born and raised in Athens. In 2019 she graduated from the department of Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University and she attended a documentary filmmaking workshop by Christos Karakepelis and Natasa Segou at KET (Center of Television Control, a cultural hub in Athens). So far she has directed the short documentary Go, Look, Listen (2019).