The Balsam / Balsamon
Direction: Effie Sialevri / Efi Sialevri
Script/Script: Effie Sialevri / Efi Sialevri
Editing/Montage: Alexandros Spathis / Alexandros Spathis
Producer/Production: Effie Sialevri / Efi Sialevri
Country of Production/Country: Greece / Greece
Duration: 23'
Production Year/Year: 2018
Language/Language: Greek / English
Subtitles/Subtitles: English / English
Among the cares of everyday life, her family life and her work, Maria Seitanidou, a young woman who lives in Mytilene, finds her balm in singing. You find it in the hugs of children, in circles of people dancing and in hearts that sail. She travels with her voice from the past to the present, from earth to heaven.
Maria Seitanidou, a young woman, who lives in the greek island of Lesvos, is striving to balance her daily commitments, family life and work. Singing is her healing, her "balsamon", as this soothing force is called in greek. You will find her in children's hugs, in dancing circles and merry hearts. Through her voice she travels from past to present, from earth to sky.

Director's Bio/Director's Short Bio:
Efi Sialevri was born and raised in Athens. For the last 9 years he has been living in Mytilene. She has studied law and is a graduate of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean. He has been passionate about documentary for 3 years. He has attended 3 cycles of the story doc documentary creation workshop in Mytilene. Her first 13 ́ documentary entitled Solidarity received an honorable mention at the Aegean docs Festival 2016 and was screened at a parallel event of the Home new Home at the Thessaloniki Festival, at the Goethe-Institut in Athens, at the Chania Festival, as well as at the Parliament Channel. The balm is her second film.
Efi Sialevri was born and grew up in Athens. She lives in Mytilene the last 9 years. She has studied Legal Sciences and she is currently a graduate student at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the Aegean University. She is passionate about direction and cinematography. She has attended 3 Story Doc workshops on documentary in Mytilene. Her first documentary Mere solidarity (duration 13 m) received a special mention at the aegean docs festival 2016 and was screened at a parallel event of Home new Home programm at Thessaloniki International Doc Festival 2017, Goethe Institute in Athens, Chania Film Festival and on Parliament's channel. Balsamon is her second documentary.