The Days of the Dead / Los Dias De Los Muertos
Direction: Pauline Pinson
Script/Script: Pauline Pinson
Producer/Production: Martine Vidalenc, Emmanuel Quillet
Country of Production/Country: France / France
Duration: 8'
Production Year/Year: 2018
Language/Language: French/ French
Subtitles/Subtitles: Greek / English
Gonzalo died recently. During the "Days of the Dead", he returns to see his wife, Séléné. Eager to eat burritos and potato pasta, he discovers, that Séléné has cooked a tiny fish instead.
Gonzalo has passed away recently. During ‘Los dias de los Muertos’, he goes back to see his wife, Séléné. Looking forward to eat burritos and potato dumplings, he finds out that Séléné has cooked him a microscopical fish instead.
Professional Jury Price 2018, Festival Plein La Bobine
Prix des écoles 2018

Director's/Biography Biography:
Pauline Pinson is an animated film director, born in France in 1979, in the Paris region. He is also a screenwriter and author of children's books.
Pauline Pinson is an animated film director born in France in 1979 in the Paris region. She is also a screenwriter and author of children's books.