Invitation to participate in a Podcast action by the Chania Film Festival

Invitation to participate in a Podcast

action by the Chania Film Festival

– Stories to be heard!… Stories that will be heard!…

but also
– celebrate, Stories about Christmas

The Chania Film Festival and the program “VOICES – Oral history in the foreground” invite you to participate in the action
– Stories to be heard!…”

An action through which stories about those who want to remember and remember and remember will be activated, recorded and published…

· Do you have a story to tell that you lived or heard?…

· Do you have a memorable story to tell that you want to salvage?…

· Do you have a story to tell from your life at school, in family, at work, in company?…

· Do you have a special/subversive story to tell about special people?…

As part of the action, we gather
with narrators and narrators to you!

· We invite you to share a story of yours… to get to know… to feel… to be moved… to remember… We open the microphones for stories in the following topics:

o People (special, subversive, unsung …)

o objects/relics/amulets/charms

o Travel/travel

o celebrations (anniversaries, birthdays, name days, festivals …)

We would like to inform you that within the framework of the action, open events will take place in 2022 regarding the use of the podcast in education and the community, for which you will be informed in the coming period.

– Celebrate, Stories about Christmas

Remember and share Christmas moments that you want to stay alive, to leave their traces in time…

Christmas memories of family celebrations, customs, trips…

Stories about family, subversive, traveling, touching Christmas…

Record stories of parents, grandparents and grandmothers

Manners and customs that are remembered by the older ones.

The Chania Film Festival and the program “Voices, oral history in the foreground” open the microphones creating the podcast series:
– celebratingZO: Stories about Christmas

Register at https://www. chaniafilmfestival. com/pod4stories/

and you will receive information about the action and practical instructions for your recordings

The program “Voices / Oral history in the foreground” which includes the action of Pod4Stories has the approval and patronage of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.