Θερινά Σχολεία και camp από το Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Χανίων

Summer Schools and camps from the Chania Film Festival / We start on 1-10 July 2022

The Chania Film Festival [www.chaniafilmfestival.com] announces the relaunch of the institution of “Summer Schools of Film and Cretan Culture” , which has begun since 2012. International meetings of acquaintance of Film Education with emphasis on Documentary, as well as the Culture of Crete.

The aim of the programs is to introduce the participants, through a series of theoretical and experiential actions: a) Basic Principles of Audiovisual and Film Education b) the Art and Technique of Documentary c) the Culture of Crete.

Workshops, seminars, discussions, screenings, visits, musical evenings, gastronomic pursuits and a series of other events form a program, lasting 3-10 days, offering the opportunity to the group to experience unique experiences.

Moreover, apart from the elements of Knowledge, Learning, and Entertainment, the program also includes the element of Creation, as the team – each time – creates its own documentary.

The 2022 Summer Film School and the corresponding camp will take place from Friday, July 1 to Sunday, July 10, in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Athens. [https://www.goethe.de/ins/gr/el/spr/unt/wuv/soc.html]

Where They Are Made

The Summer Film Schools and the corresponding camps will take place at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania / Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, https://confer.maich.gr/. The Institute has a Conference Center, as well as accommodation facilities (accommodation and food) that with their flexible design combine first-class standards of comfort and service with the latest technology, in a privileged location. It is located in a picturesque, typical Mediterranean pine forest, 3 km southeast of Chania city, 13 km from The International Airport and 1 km from Chania Port.

Creative Vacation Proposal

The programs of the Summer Schools of the Chania Film Festival are an open proposal to teachers or other institutions that would like their members to participate in them. It is addressed – as the case may be – to pupils, students, teachers, filmmakers, artists and anyone who would like to experience creative holidays, focusing on cinema and getting to know the Culture of Crete.

In this context, it is possible to design a specialized program, following relevant interest from a body of Education, Culture, Local Government. Creative holiday program in the context of which participants will be able to acquire basic skills of Film Education with emphasis on documentary, as well as to know basic elements of the Culture and Culture of Crete.

The relevant targeted programs can be implemented at any time during the year.

The Team

The design and implementation of the Summer Schools is done with the participation of the entire Educational and Creative Team of the Chania International Film Festival. At the same time, important external collaborators – trainers from the field of Film, Education and Culture participate in the development of the Summer School’s programs.

The program is implemented by the Chania Film Festival / ChaniaFilmFestival.

The Festival is an organization that is active throughout the year in the field of Film, Education, Culture. A Regional Cultural Institution with a rich program of events and actions. Pioneering, innovative, youthful actions with vitality, dynamics and clear quality characteristics.

Since the establishment of the CFF, particular emphasis has been placed on the development of film education and, more broadly, the audiovisual education of children and young people. In this context, annual and fast-paced educational programs of cinematic literacy and creation are developed. Emphasis is given to documentary and its relationship with Oral and Local History.