“Voices” – Oral History in the foreground”
Another journey into Oral History has begun.
With the participation of seventy (70) trainees, the training of the Educational Program began on Saturday, January 9, 2021. “Voices” – Oral History at the forefront” implemented by the Cultural Society of Crete and the Chania Film Festival co-organized with Region of Crete – Regional Unit of Chania, with the support of Regional Center for Educational Planning (PEKES) of Crete and its cooperation EKOME (National Centre for Audiovisual Media and Communication – EKOME) .
The program and its actions are part of the wider program implemented for years by the Cultural Society of Crete under the title “Crete Oral History”. The program “Crete Oral History“ is an activity of the Cultural Society of Crete with the aim of saving the intangible Culture. Within the framework of the program, recordings of oral testimonies, publications, trainings (annual and fast-paced), documentary productions, exhibitions, as well as other actions, such as school activities, are carried out.
We note that in 2020 the Program was completed with 5 editions and 36 recordings of oral testimonies of about 3 hours each.
The beginning of the training, but also of the program, was welcomed by the Deputy Regional Governor of Chania, Mr. Nikolaos Kalogeris, underlining that the Regional Unit of Chania, continuing a practice of years, supports the specific action of the Cultural Society of Crete, believing in the preservation of Oral History and its value, which should be preserved and be an asset for historians of the future.
On her part, the coordinator of PEKES of Crete, Mrs. Irene Vidaki, he referred to the close cooperation that exists between the Chania Film Festival and the Educational Community – a collaboration that is being developed with the support and synergy of the Regional Center of Crete – and to this action which he considers to be particularly important in its development in the Educational Community, involving both teachers and students.
Mr. Stelios Kimionis, Head of the Directorate of Development and Management of Digital Content of the National Centre for Audiovisual Media and Communication – EKOME.Mr. Kimionis pointed out the important work done by the Chania Film Festival and the Cultural Society of Crete and in this context, the constructive cooperation that has been developing recently between EKOME and this institution. He referred to the particular value of the preservation of Oral History as well as of Public History in general. Finally, he announced two actions that will be developed in the coming months by EKOME and the Chania Film Festival.
Then, for about 3 hours, the seventy trainees experienced an introductory training on Oral History, as well as the development of relevant actions in the Educational Community with the involvement of teachers and students.
Special reference was made to the program for the creation of local and oral history documentaries by students and teachers, within the framework of the Educational Programs of the Chania International Film Festival.
“Voices” – Oral History in the Spotlight” / Identity
The program includes 3-hour monthly meetings which provide for:
· Modern distance training of teachers (theory and practice, preparation of implementation with/without students).
· Asynchronous practical training (audiovisual history recording, archiving). Teachers undertake to implement an Oral History Action. Specifically, teachers, taking into account the proposed framework for the implementation of the Action CRe-stories/”Tell me a story!..” and relevant instructions of a technical nature and content provided by the Festival, design and implement their own Oral History Action in their classroom, in their school, in a group of students or in a group of teachers, on a subject of their own choice from the modules:
o Objects of remembrance in the Cretan family
o The landscape in Crete: monuments, squares, courtyards, streets, etc.
o Everyday life in Crete: the neighborhood
o Education in Crete
o Work in Crete
Design of Training Programme and Action:
Chara Andreadou, Historian, Educator, Scientific Associate of CFF
Matthaios Frantzeskakis, CFF Director and Coordinator of Educational Programs CFF edu
The program “Voices” – Oral History in the foreground” , as well as all the programs and actions of the Chania Film Festival and the Cultural Society of Crete, is implemented with the approval and auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, following a relevant positive recommendation by the Institute of Educational Policy.
Participation in the annual Program and its Actions is offered without any financial burden for teachers and students.
The Programs and Educational Activities of the Chania Film Festival for the school year 2020-2021 are designed to be implemented in person and remotely (modern and asynchronous).
See the detailed descriptions of all programmes and actions at: