F. Arnaoutakis: Chania Film Festival (CFF) transcends the boundaries of Crete, Greece and our island can become a center of international film productions!
The continued consolidation and success of the institution of the Film Festival in our country, as well as the fact that Crete, focusing on Chania, can become a center of international productions, stressed the Regional Governor of Crete Stavros Arnaoutakis, declaring the opening of the 7th Chania Film Festival Chania Film Festival (CFF), in the presence of institutional representatives, institutions, the organizing committee of the festival, directors, actors, representatives of culture and crowds. The inauguration took place in the crowded Cultural Center of Chania, which hosts the festival with more than 150 films until November 2nd, while at the same time there will be activities with children, educational programs, with 100 people from the field of Film and Education, etc. The festival that takes place with the co-organization of the Region of Crete, The Municipalities of Chania, Platanias, began with the screening of the emblematic film “Stella” by Michael Cacoyannis in a new digital edition for the needs of the Festival.
Michael Cacoyannis’ film “Stella” was prefaced by the music-theatre performance of the soloist Giorgos Saltaris, performed by Froso Kossyvaki, which captivated the audience that had flooded the hall of the cultural center, while on behalf of the festival afterwards, the Regional Governor Stavros Arnaoutakis awarded the well-known actress Tatiana Papamoschou for her contribution to Art and Culture, as well as Alexandra Georgopoulou, Director of Production and Artistic Design of the “Cacoyannis” Foundation.
Crete, our land, as Mr. Arnaoutakis mentioned, can open new paths, that it can play a leading role in areas that we have not yet established, that we can turn our island into a metropolis of culture, which will stand out in the southeastern Mediterranean, that we can win the big bet of extroversion with the benefit of our culture and our rich historical tradition.
“For the Region, it marks the establishment on the cultural map of the island of a successful film festival, an institution that is constantly established in the consciousness of all of us, while especially for Chania, which is the city hosting the institution, it gives the opportunity for its transformation into an international center of film productions”, stressed Mr. Arnaoutakis, adding: “In this context we are sure that new horizons, new perspectives for the seventh art are opened for another year with the organization of the 7th Chania Film Festival. An artistic event that goes beyond the boundaries of Crete and Greece and that with the screening of remarkable films, with the parallel program and the promoted actions, the interest of the public will be undiminished throughout the duration of the festival”. Along with the Regional Governor, the Mayor of Chania, Panagiotis Simandrakis, the Mayor of Platanias, Giannis Malandrakis, as well as in their speeches, the other representatives of the co-organizers, the Mayor of Chania, Giannis Malandrakis, as well as the Deputy Regional Governor of chania, Nikos Kalogeris, the Deputy Regional Governor, Antonis Papaderakis, the President of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Chania, Sophia Malandraki, referred to the inauguration speeches, the inauguration ceremony, as well as the Deputy Regional Governor of the Regional Council of Chania, Nikos Kalogeris, the Deputy Regional Governor, Mr. Antonis Papaderakis, the President of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Chania, Sophia Malandraki, Etc
The Regional Governor and all the co-organizers and participating institutional representatives, institutions, referred to the continuation of their support to the festival that contributes to art, culture, education and promotes Chania and Crete in Greece and abroad. They also congratulated the festival’s director, Mathios Frantzeskakis, his collaborators and all the volunteers and participating directors-artists.
The Director of the Second Grade Education of Chania, Mr. Stelios Zervakis. According to the Director of the festival “from today Thursday (24/10) begins the regular program flow of Chania Film Festival with the morning workshops and screenings for school students and the three film zones in the afternoon, from 18:00 to 00:00. The entrance is free, while the “social” ticket is in force since the public has the ability to keep food and other basic necessities that will be distributed to charitable foundations of the city of Chania.”