A two-year cycle of cine graphs of the Film Festival
Chania closed this weekend and a new cycle, bigger and
richer, will start in September with more cinematic
games, training sessions, workshops, conferences, and, of course, more
“shooting” and more creations of audiovisual products.
This year the topics were: (a) How do we make documentaries with children? and (b)
We organize film clubs for children. Eight two-day meetings were held
meetings (a total of 70 hours of training and action).
Participants (teachers, students, animators, parents)
have come to know the methods and techniques by which the
films as cultural products (study and critical approach
“ready-made” audiovisual products), then used
experiences and skills to organize audiovisual expression workshops
for children (inside and outside the classroom), to organize events
open to the local community and carry out with the children simple
audiovisual presentations (photographing, filming, filming).
We are ready to organize film literacy workshops in
the whole country (in person or with asynchronous and synchronous communication) where we are called:
FIRST CYCLE OF WORKSHOPS (ten workshops-80 training hours)
– Cinematic literacy
First Action: The enjoyment of viewing (Is the image the reality? The
psychological mechanisms of viewing, The steps of approach of a cinematic
film, Initiation into technical and cultural codes, Photographic workshop,
Connection of cinema with other arts, Script-creative workshop
Second Action: The enjoyment of creation (Initiation into tools and
film techniques, Creation of audiovisual products).
Third Action: Parallel actions,
Fourth Action: Actions open to the local community
SECOND CYCLE OF WORKSHOPS (four workshops-20 training
– Children’s Film Club
THIRD CYCLE OF WORKSHOPS (eight workshops-50 training
– Creating documentaries with children
The framework of creation. The framework of recruitment. His intentions
creator. Initiation into the technical and cultural codes of the documentary. The
research in documentary and screenwriting. The art of interviewing.
Connecting documentaries with other arts. Link documentaries to cognitive
Objects. Creating documentaries in the classroom with the children – stages
production (topic selection, organization of research groups, etc.).
Stavros Grosdos and Chara Andreadou (scientific collaborators and
The trainees who together have been doing this journey for the last 2 years
The schools (students, teachers and teachers, parents) in which the
experimental applications of the program.
We thank the partners who provided facilities and support.
We continue in September with even more actions, throughout Crete, within the framework of the Cine Courses, Cine Graphs, True Stories/Crete Education Documentary Project (CR. E.DOC), Crete Oral History/Creta Oral History and Rhythm and Percussion of the Chania Film Festival. Good summer to all